USG Acoustical Sealant

The Universities at Shady Grove, MD

The Universities at Shady Grove is a multi-university higher education center of the University System of Maryland for mid-career working professionals and non-traditional students. Degrees taught by the cooperative are conferred by the individual univer…
The Universities at Shady Grove is a multi-university higher education center of the University System of Maryland for mid-career working professionals and non-traditional students. Degrees taught by the cooperative are conferred by the individual universities as opposed to it being conferred in the name of the education center.
  • Established: 2000
  • Parent institution: University System of Maryland
  • Executive Director: Anne Khademian
  • Location: Rockville, Maryland, United States
  • Chair, Board of Advisors: Michael Knapp
  • Chair, Governing Council: Joann Boughman
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