New polling suggests Donald Trump's 34-count felony conviction may not be the political kryptonite some Democrats hoped it ...
In addition to fewer blackouts and increased grid reliability during extreme weather events, MIT researchers say the Connect ...
Greg Abbott has campaigned against members of his own party who do not support voucher programs. This fall, he may finally ...
WASHINGTON — The tension among Texas Republicans around crypto mining’s impact on the Texas power grid is ramping up after ...
On the U.S. Senate floor Monday, Texas Senator John Cornyn said he believes the policy will make illegal immigration worse.
The censured members said they had been punished for campaigning against “liberal incumbents” alongside statewide elected ...
During official proceedings of the G.O.P.-controlled chamber, speaking about former President Donald J. Trump’s felony ...
The Democrats’ recently approved platform includes calls to loosen zoning rules, which housing experts believe contribute to ...
It’s silly that they’ve done this, trying to uphold a rule that is nothing more than an incumbent protection program.” ...
Tillis said he is "providing food for thought on how we could address some of the frustrations of our members." ...
Republicans lashed out at the Austin-based performer and activist after her recent appearance at the Texas Democratic ...
Threats of being expelled from the Texas House Republican Caucus aren't fazing a handful of hard-right conservative members.