These tropical plants hail from North and South America and are known colloquially as air plants. Shockingly, they don't need ...
Some of the major culprits appear to be toxic gases such as sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and ozone, all ...
Climeworks says Generation 3 is more energy-efficient because it increases surface contact with CO2 and its filters are ...
It is considered one of the most indestructible houseplants due to its hardiness and ability to tolerate a variety of ...
It may look like an innocent green plant, but its name evokes something far closer to a robot or interstellar rocket.
Air Liquide (Paris:AI) will build a new industrial gas production ... The new production unit is 5% more power efficient than the previous generation plants. Producing most of the gases onsite will ...
Gas supplies will gradually resume flowing as of Thursday to fertilizer factories in Egypt after several chemical and ...
New Jersey's Department of Environmental Protection also declared an Air Quality Action Day. "Ground-level ozone is the main ingredient in smog," according to the New York State Department of Health.
Getting rid of aerosols, such as sulfur dioxide, could let more sunlight reach boreal forests, helping turn them into ...
When most people think about hospitals, they picture what goes on inside them. But what's outside is important, too. A ...
This is Iceland, the location of the world’s first industrial-scale plant to suck carbon dioxide from the air and store it ...
Adults and children with asthma and other respiratory diseases should consider limiting strenuous outdoor activity, experts ...