Knowing how to care for an aloe vera plant is a relatively easy task when you consider the many benefits this popular plant offers.Unlike how to care for an orchid, this desert plant is quite happy to ...
Short on time and gardening skills? Experts say these easy indoor plants are perfect for busy people who lack a green thumb.
If you don't have a green thumb, these indoor houseplants that live a long time won't require too much attention from you.
It releases oxygen at night, making it an excellent choice for improving indoor air quality while also cooling down your ...
As the Met Office forecasts potential heat records this summer, plant enthusiasts across Britain are being urged to ...
Improve the air quality in your home the natural way with the best air purifying houseplants, like the peace lily, the bamboo ...
It might be that you need a reminder – or many – to water your indoor plants, or maybe you’re not sure how much light they ...
The leaves of this lovely specimen contain a variety of green hues that make it stand out from the rest of the plant pack. It ...
The plant is commonly known as the Tiger-tooth Aloe (Aloe juvenna). The leaf margins are curling inwards, which indicate a ...
From tulips to lillies, here are the toxic plants for dogs, cats and other pets that you should avoid having in your home.
Aloe vera plant care is pretty easy, so even beginner gardeners can keep this useful indoor plant alive. But that low-maintenance appearance can be deceiving. Growing aloe vera does take a little ...