Below you'll find their suggestions for plants that don't mind low light ... make sure the pot has proper drainage as ...
After all, who wants to spend £2 a punnet when you can learn how to grow raspberries instead?Yes, while most garden ideas ...
If you struggle to keep your greenery from going brown, try filling your space with some of these hearty houseplants.
They're well-suited for large containers, mixed beds and areas with wet soil. Delivered as three bare-root plants, the ...
Just as the name suggests, a nursery bed is a dedicated bed (or corner of, say, the vegetable garden) where you can baby ...
Growing parsley around pepper plants not only helps you get a second edible from almost the same amount of space, but it also serves to provide some shade and cover for bare soil. Another lower ...
With nearly a full summer to grow, sturdy plants with vigorous root systems can be planted out in autumn for a spring and ...
mulch is an added barrier between the delicate root system of your plants and the harsh rays of the sun. I can say from ...
Celebrate National Garden Week (June 2 to 8) by rescuing an unused weedy lot or corner in your community, planting a ...
To deadhead your plants, pinch off below the old flowers with your fingers or snip them off with a pruning shears.
The same advice goes as regards collecting its young leaves, which can deliver painful stings when in contact with bare skin ...