“This is an eyes wide open situation right now,” Campen said. “We’re just now realizing how much plastic is in our bodies. We need a surge of research around this topic to confirm or deny ...
One reason plastic waste persists in the environment is because there's not much that can eat it. The chemical structure of most polymers is stable and different enough from existing food sources ...
Planet or Plastic? is National Geographic’s multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic trash crisis. Come to this page often to learn more, and find out what you can do to ...
This week, the fourth round of treaty talks by the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution concluded in Ottawa, Canada. A major bone of contention between negotiators from 175 ...
While it might seem practical to store important documents or family photographs in plastic sleeves or a storage box, this is ...
Every year, companies produce more than 400 million metric tons of plastic. Some of that plastic spills onto waterways or beaches, clogging streams or floating in huge gyres in the ocean.
From getting stuck in nets to eating plastic that they think is food, creatures worldwide are dying from material we made. Read this story and more in the June 2018 issue of National Geographic ...
OTTAWA, April 30 (Reuters) - Negotiations on a future global treaty to tackle soaring plastic pollution ran overtime into Tuesday morning amid tense debates over whether the world should seek to ...
175 nations agree to develop a legally binding agreement on plastic pollution by 2024, prompting a major step towards reducing greenhouse gas emissions from plastic production, use and disposal.
Scientists have developed a "self-digesting plastic", which, they say, could help reduce pollution. Polyurethane is used in everything from phone cases to trainers, but is tricky to recycle and ...