He refers to the need for preachers “who with conviction and passion and in truth speak hopefully for God, whose pulpits remind ... Seminary (Christian Church), attacks the way preaching is ...
Since then, pulpits have continued to be an integral part of church history for thousands of years—unless, of course, you’re a church planter. Don’t get me wrong: I love pulpits. Nothing ...
At its best, the sheer exuberance and radical love of a good Pentecostal church is transformative. At its worst, the quest for miraculous experience can lead to a kind of frenzied superstition ...
Whether we like it or not, it’s a clear fact that more and more people are straying away from religion and the church. But what exactly is it that’s causing so many individuals to leave ...
In the recent past, the clergy has stepped up efforts to tame “rogue” politicians who have converted church pulpits into campaign platforms. While some may view this as a new development ...
The Roman Catholic Church has consistently condemned abortion — the direct and purposeful taking of the life of the unborn child. In principle, Catholic Christians believe that all life is ...
Secrets within the church are discovered during filming and the crew will stop at nothing to finish their movie. Advertisement ...
With over a decade of experience as a small business technology consultant, Alana breaks down technical concepts to help small businesses take advantage of the tools available to them to create ...
This journal utilises an Online Peer Review Service (OPRS) for submissions. By clicking "Continue" you will be taken to our partner site https://mc.manuscriptcentral ...
The Church of England - the established Christian Church in England – is thought to have the most, at around 16,000. Although every church is different, some features are more common than others.
The main function of a local church or chapel is a place for people to go to worship. This includes people attending church services, or visiting the church for private prayer. There are also many ...
74 2271 Since the first century the Church has affirmed the moral evil of every procured abortion. This teaching has not changed and remains unchangeable. Direct abortion, that is to say ...