Surprisingly, there are many things you can do ... cough, weak or hoarse voice, sore throat, and tickling in the throat.
Over-the-counter (OTC) cough drops are used to relieve coughs. They usually come in small candies or lozenges and have medicinal properties that help soothe ... what to do if you have too many ...
They may be irritating and annoying, but often we just can't help ... but do not test positive for allergens. Coughing: Although it is usually unwelcome and involuntary, a cough in itself is ...
As for home treatments, Dr Liz Whittaker says: 'Unfortunately, there's no particular evidence-based way to soothe the cough – the usual over-the-counter remedies may help, making sure they are ...
I quit smoking two months ago with the help ... cough, meaning it lasts more than a week, you should be seen by a physician. After an examination and history, he or she may elect to do a chest ...
However, people should seek medical help if they have a chronic ... A person can do several things at home to treat a cough before contacting a healthcare professional. The remedies depend on ...
WAXSOL is used to help remove ear wax in adults ... The best time to do this is before you go to bed. Only use the drops for 2 nights at a time. If you feel the drops are not working after ...
If you wear contact lenses and find yourself in need of eye drops to relieve ... out there, how do you know which one will provide the fastest (and safest) relief? To help you make that decision ...
Addressing these needs both specifically and broadly can help. Knowing what you want to change and what you need to do to affect that change are key. What are some basic principles of self-help?
how to help a baby (1 year and under) who is choking how to help a child (1 year to puberty) who is choking. Someone who is choking may be clutching at their chest or neck and won’t be able to speak, ...