The best baby shower gifts hit the sweet spot between practical and personal. Here’s what actual parents want to receive.
Tucson's 486-pound bundle of joy Meru is learning to use her trunk, splashing in the streams and forming bonds with her ...
LONDON -- An Asian elephant in Thailand has given birth to ... "The mother attacked the baby because she had never had twins before -- it's very rare," said Michelle Reedy, Director of Elephantstay.
"I was afraid that she might break the baby elephant, so I put myself forward and tried to block the mother from the smaller one." Footage posted on social media showed the caretakers' difficulty ...
A new baby is always an exciting time. But, alongside those first giggles and gurgles, new discoveries and more, comes the ...
The footage shows animal trainers pampering a baby elephant named Kirkja. And TBH, this seems like the best job ever. The Ohio zoo shared just a small snippet of what a typical day caring for the ...
Esha is one of the zoo's pregnant Asian elephants Blackpool Zoo is preparing to welcome its first elephant births in ... including "baby proofing the surroundings". Mother and daughter Noorjahan ...
Bupe was transported by airplane to his new herd (Picture: Game Rangers International) A baby elephant endured a nearly two-hour flight so he could be rehomed with an orphaned herd after his mum ...
When it comes to baby toys, the cleaning approach will depend on what the toy is made of. From plastic rattles to plush loveys and wooden blocks, each material requires a slightly different process.
Baby bouncers and rockers are hugely popular for parents, whether you are a new mum, or expanding your family. Apart from the need to shower/eat/wee, a day is a long time to spend with a tiny ...
“Watching baby elephants figure that out — it’s kind of like trying to make a noodle work,” says Reid Park Zoo elephant care specialist Mara Eisenbarth. Elephant calf Meru was born on ...