Patio container gardens make it easy to access your favorite herbs and flowers. Why not give yours a pleasing scent? Here are ...
There are quite a few plants and flowers that smell bad. Discover which ones to avoid if you want to keep smelly scents out ...
Champa is one of the best selling flowering plants for garden as well as balcony ... Jasmine blooms in a bunch of white fragrant flowers. Stargazer lily is the variety with the strongest fragrance.
There are many ways to deter slugs and snails from your yard, including being clever with what you plant. When combined with ...
A stroll around any residential area is likely to reveal many viburnums in the landscape. Collectively, they have been a ...
There are a lot of products for discouraging flies, but what about more natural ways? Many garden plants—particularly ...
Warm humid summer days stimulate flowering of many fragrant flowers especially plumeria, angel trumpets, orange jasmine, ...
STRASBURG – As the final petals drop from garden peonies, Shenandoah Valley Master Gardeners Rochelle Dornatt and Mary Jane ...
Annoyed with the neighbour's cat leaving their business in your garden? Animal welfare experts share harmless tips for ...
Michigan lavender farms offer visitors a chance to walk through fragrant fields, cut bundles of their own and shop for ...
Some plants will benefit from a prune to ... they look stunning climbing up wigwam trellis and they also make a fragrant cut ...
The iris is well-named after the goddess of the rainbow, and few perennials can match the wide-ranging assortment of colors.