Using gravel or stones in the tomato bed is just as useless as using straw in the rock garden. There is a mulch for every type of project, and it is incumbent upon you, the gardener, to know which one ...
Straw and hay can be full of weed seeds which defeats the purpose of using them for weed prevention. I have used both on my garden in the past and haven’t noticed too many weeds where I put the mulch.
Like sunshine and rain, weeds are just part of the gardening experience—but that doesn't mean you have to live with them.
If gardeners are crying about their onions right now, it’s not because they’re slicing them in their kitchen. But they may ...
Last summer in Louisiana, we were affected by a heat wave that spread across the southern tier of the U.S. This heat wave was ...
Things start heating up in your garden when summer rolls around. Oftentimes, gardeners think that Memorial Day weekend is ...
Life-giving compost is made from things that die and decompose. Now humans can add their bodies to the mix. This new burial ...
Ricketts said with knowledge and care, both gourds and pumpkins can be grown in home gardens. She added gardeners should ...
This is the time to ensure tree safety is the primary concern that will hopefully prevent the potential for damage and injury ...
A charming landscaping feature that delivers home-grown vegetables, herbs and fresh flowers without a trip to the farmer’s ...
In the ground a grower will mulch with straw for this same benefit ... Blueberries are an easier fruit to grow in the ...
Yet deer seemed to be primarily targeting the wine caps (the purple-topped mushrooms are also known as Stropharia ...