Making jelly out of in-season spring blossoms is fun, easy and safe if you use a recipe that does not require canning. I used ...
The yard is redolent with the scent of lilac. It is the most recognizable of florals, stronger even than the rose. It could ...
Some of the oldest lilacs in the United States grow at this popular vacation spot in Northern Michigan. Big lilac bushes are everywhere on Mackinac. And by mid-June, you can usually smell their ...
I will err on the side of conservation and stick with the plants that get the green thumbs up. Now, if you’ll excuse me, there are some lilac bushes out there in the sunshine calling my name.
Thin branches — bowing at the weight of lush purple flowers — stretch over 12 feet high in Mike Nistler's "lilac labyrinth." Stepping onto the path between bushes, the delicate sweet scent ...
Thirty-year-old lilac bushes, long-ago planted bleeding hearts, peonies from the 1960s and other flora that have been growing ...
Winnipeg really is at its best during lilac season. For two weeks — and two weeks only — this city’s lawns and back lanes and ...
JACOBS PRAIRIE, Minnesota — For the third year, Mike Nistler is opening his locally beloved "lilac labyrinth" at Boomerville Lodge to the public, hoping to attract lilac lovers who also have ...
Thousands of blossoms are in bloom in Rochester's Highland Park as the annual Lilac Festival kicks off ... 1,800 fragrant bushes representing 500 varieties planted in Highland Park, which was ...
Thousands of people are expected at Highland Park for opening weekend of the 10-day Rochester Lilac Festival ... 1,800 colorful bushes representing 500 varieties planted in a historic park ...
Rochester, N.Y. — The 126th annual Lilac Festival kicks off Friday at Highland Park, and new security measures will be in place. All bags at the festival, which runs through May 19, will be ...
Editor's note: “Lilac Time” has been reprinted annually in the Rutland Herald since 1929. The first part of this editorial, with one clause removed this year, was written, by way of introduction for ...