These natural African herbs/ remedies will help you regain your hunger and enjoy meals again. So, let's dive in!
It is prevalent in parts of Asia, where many people consume fennel after meals to aid in digestion and freshen their breath.Fennel and fennel seeds are commonly used to flavor foods. The herb is also ...
Research shows the leaves and seeds of fenugreek plants can serve various purposes - including helping those with diabetes ...
Native Americans in the midwestern part of the U.S. have been using it as a medicinal herb for over 400 years ... on their voyages and shipped its seeds back to President Jefferson in the ...
Award-winning herb grower, Jekka McVicar, offers some expert advice on successful techniques to rear seedlings.
With summer almost around the corner, many of us are setting in vegetables and herbs in hopes of preparing delectable ...
Coptis teeta Wall. (C. teeta), commonly known as "Mishmi Tita," is a medicinal herb of considerable value traditionally used for treating various health conditions. This endangered plant ...
The Huntington acquired a collection of medicinal plants and seeds from the Chinese Medicinal Herb Farm from Petaluma, Calif., including more than 100 species of seeds and 200 species of live plants.
Known for their medicinal benefits, including antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, moringa seeds are increasingly ...
Multiple studies show potential anti-diabetic benefits of taking fenugreek. Several clinical trials have demonstrated that ...