In fact, a study showed that patients who had plants in their hospital rooms reported less pain, lower BP and less anxiety ...
By growing your own raspberries, you can eliminate the need to pay £2 a pop for a punnet of fruit and enjoy the fruits of ...
I visited Lowe's and Home Depot to see which home-improvement chain had the better selection of plants, outdoor furniture, ...
Bob Zeni, the Chicago Tomato Man, joins Wendy Snyder, in for Bob Sirott, to talk about the differences between a home-grown ...
A CONTRACTOR has revealed the outdoor detail that shouldn’t be overlooked when modernizing homes. He said there are several ...
A gardener has shared his expert knowledge on how to fill your home with plants and herbs that can boost energy, improve ...
Not only is this sweet-smelling flower good for aroma it is also one of the best plants for pollinators. "Honeysuckle is a fragrant plant that attracts pollinating moths with its sweet scent at night, ...
Hydrangeas have long been a favorite for creating striking landscaping and increasing curb appeal, and this particular ...
An older couple was caught on security video destroying Hostas plants, which were planted to spruce up the neighborhood, ...
There is a nifty little trick that large, public gardens use that home gardeners can also do: a nursery bed. Just as the name ...
Looking for a striking plant that’s tough to kill? Yucca plants are easy-keepers, requiring little to no maintenance. Here ...
Passalong plants are especially precious, creating tangible connections and memories to friends and loved ones from our past.