Paris 2024’s organizing committee, with the support of the International Olympic Committee, is promising to deliver a more ...
Tokyo Olympic chiefs are targeting the collection of up to 45 tons of plastic in the Games sustainability initiative. About 100 podiums will be produced from the waste. Collection boxes for ...
The leadup to the Paris Olympics has included security concerns, pollution controversies and logistical nightmares, but on ...
Thus, the podiums are made from French wood and 100 per cent recycled French plastic. Tony Estanguet, President of Paris 2024, said: "Stepping onto the podium, for an athlete, is a moment of pride, ...
Each year, on our fruit-and-vegetable farm in New England, my family covers about a quarter of our 50 acres with plastic mulch. Rolls of it, five feet wide and 4,000 feet long, sit on a machine ...
Japan has a plastic problem. In a country where cleanliness ... such as crafting next year's Tokyo Olympic medals and champion podiums from recovered metals and plastics, have failed to impress ...
Planet or Plastic? is National Geographic’s multiyear effort to raise awareness about the global plastic trash crisis. Come to this page often to learn more, and find out what you can do to ...
You see photos of plastic pollution in the ocean, but it can be hard to connect that to the plastic you're buying and using every day. Here are three ways the plastic you throw away can end up in the ...
Scientists have developed a "self-digesting plastic", which, they say, could help reduce pollution. Polyurethane is used in everything from phone cases to trainers, but is tricky to recycle and ...
For many of us, plastic containers are part of our daily lives; we use them to store, freeze, heat and transport a variety of different foods. But some scientists are concerned that the chemicals ...
Plastic bags start out as fossil fuels and end up as deadly waste in landfills and the ocean. Birds often mistake shredded plastic bags for food, filling their stomachs with toxic debris. For hungry ...
Plastic surgery is often associated with cosmetic procedures like nose jobs or liposuctions. And while these are an important aspect of what plastic surgeons do, they're not the only focus. These ...