At Saturday’s celebration in Rome, Pope Francis’ image was on cardboard cutouts adorned with flower necklaces. People came ...
Photos showed the president and Francis' foreheads touching during a meeting on the sidelines of the Group of Seven summit.
Self-reflection is fundamental to the spiritual life, and frequently the easiest way through the crucible of self-awareness ...
Pope Francis challenged leaders of the world’s wealthy democracies Friday to keep human dignity foremost in developing and ...
Pope Francis explained that the kingdom of God likewise requires patience, to 'wait confidently' as it takes time to grow.
Pope Francis became the first pope to go to a G7 summit of world leaders. At a summit on artificial intelligence, he warned ...
The Rome LGBTQ+ Pride parade has celebrated its 30th anniversary as tens of thousands of people in brightly colored outfits ...
Pope Francis warned world leaders attending the G-7 conference in Italy on Friday that artificial intelligence offers both ...
Pope Francis will become the first pope to address the G7 Summit on Friday when he speaks on the emergency of artificial ...
An attempt by the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee social media handlers to play a satire on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ...