Buying a property can be a complicated business, but there may be problems lurking in the garden which threaten to derail a ...
Watering Rhododendrons Photo: Definitely not among the best plants for a drought-tolerant garden, ...
There's always lots of jobs to do in the garden in June to keep it looking fresh and vibrant. Here are 5 plants to prune in ...
Plants deserving of this description are exceptionally vigorous, resilient, distinctive and stable in terms of their form or ...
While you might fancy a spot of gardening while the sun is out, put away those pruning shears until you've read this article ...
The best time to prune your Rhododendron is within a couple of weeks after flowering is finished. Soon afterwards new growth ...
Rhododendron ponticum is the perfect example. Where conditions are suitable, it will out-compete most native plants, allowing very little light to penetrate through its thick leaf canopy.
When looking at a fertilizer the main thing to know is the analysis. A fertilizer analysis has three numbers. The first ...
As the growing season progresses, keep an eye out for a white or grayish-white powder on your plants. That’s powdery mildew, a fungus that affects a wide range of fruits, vegetables and flowers, ...
said it was already illegal to plant rhododendrons in the wild and funding was being provided to control them. The trust said it had spent £360,000 on removing invasive plants over the past year.
As with other rhododendrons, the potted vireyas should receive only dappled sun or morning sun when outdoors, unless described as tolerating full sun. Definitely not among the best plants for a ...
Where conditions are suitable, it will out-compete most native plants, allowing very little light to penetrate through its thick leaf canopy. Rhododendrons pack a big punch with their colourful ...