Fear is a natural part of life, as we all know. However, rumination and overthinking on problems long gone or anxieties of ...
Brown's CBS says that apps like Calm or Headspace offer guided meditations that are specifically designed to help ease travel ...
When I'm caught in my quintessential negative feedback loop of rumination, confusion, indecision, and anxiety, I tap into my ...
Anxiety can also lead to overthinking, which makes you more anxious, which leads to more overthinking, and so on. How can you get out of this vicious cycle? Repressing anxious thoughts won’t ...
Panic attacks are sudden, intense episodes of fear or anxiety that can be overwhelming and debilitating. They often come on ...
Learn how to practice the 3-3-3 rule that anchors you in the present moment, reduces anxiety and calms you down in minutes so ...
Having an anxious dog usually means anxiety for the owner, too. Here’s why some dogs are afraid of thunder and tips from the ...
Though there are stressful situations that are beyond our control, there are some simple ways to ease what Seif describes as "anticipatory anxiety ... you'll calm your nerves and reduce your ...
New research shows that nearly two thirds of secondary school children are experiencing mental health symptoms associated ...
The incessant mental chatter leads to feelings of anxiety. You can rest your monkey mind with different ways. The first and foremost effective way to calm mind is breathing exercise. For breathing ...
From upping your omega-3 intake to adopting a keto-based diet, experts believe there are ways you can enhance your diet to help reduce anxiety symptoms. Anxiety is a common issue in the UK.