A new type of antivenom that contains human antibodies could more safely and effectively treat European black widow spider bites ... help strengthen a person's immune response to the venom ...
As the calendar turns to warmer months, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a warning about the lone star tick which can cause a meat allergy. Health officials say tick ...
Drug Limits Dangerous Reactions to Allergy-Triggering Foods ... 2023 — Scientists have uncovered a group of immune cells that may drive severe asthma. These cells gather in the lungs and ...
Wearing long sleeves and pants, never going barefoot, and avoiding insect-infested areas and nests will prevent most bites and stings. Spend enough time outdoors, though, and one day you'll likely ...
A food allergy involves an immune system reaction that can be serious. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) makes sure that all food additives, including dyes, are safe to eat. Yet, some people ...
Glucose allergy, also referred to as glucose intolerance or sensitivity, occurs when the immune system mistakenly identifies glucose as a harmful substance. This triggers an allergic reaction that ...
Reassuring new evidence suggests that feeding children smooth peanut butter during infancy and early childhood can help reduce their risk of developing a peanut allergy even years later. Compared ...