The Slant-Six was a dependable, easy to work on mainstay of many iconic vehicles from the 1960s and 1970s. Here are a few ...
Congratulations on becoming a first-time car owner! Taking care of your new vehicle may seem overwhelming at first, but you’ll be surprised at how simple and manageable basic maintenance can be.
To do this, we turned to you and asked for your picks for the worst car maintenance tasks you’ve ever attempted. And, thankfully, you can back with some excellent suggestions. So sit back ...
Looking to sell your car? Almost half of drivers find selling their car stressful, with many worried about getting the best ...
For all the standardized practices they employ, golf superintendents also get creative in times of need. Here are 7 of their ...
The report underscores the importance of considering long-term ownership costs when purchasing a car. Brands like Buick, Toyota, and Lincoln are highlighted for their relatively lower maintenance ...
Whether you’re new to the wrenching game or a seasoned mechanic, we’d love to hear about your ideas of the worst car maintenance tasks you’ve ever had to perform on your beloved vehicles.
Consumer Reports' 2023 Annual Auto Surveys revealed that the cost of maintaining a car varies significantly ... The surveys highlight the impact of maintenance and repair expenses over time ...
MOTOR experts have issued an urgent warning for drivers who could be risking their safety by not making a simple seat ...
For many vehicle owners, washing a car by hand is a therapeutic act as beneficial for the person’s state of mind as for the vehicle’s appearance. That’s good, because frequent washing is ...
Tapswap has gone viral but some people are having challenges loging into the app. A Nigerian man said the app is now working and he has 6 billion taps.