Thanks to this wide array of plants available, you can enjoy stunning displays in hanging baskets even over the winter months ...
Including artwork on your living room’s feature wall is one of the most effective ways to make the space appear more ...
You probably don’t need us to tell you how stunning dahlias are. After all, one look at these giant, flamboyant flowers will ...
Selecting the perfect worktop for your kitchen renovation can indeed be a daunting task. With a plethora of material options ...
'Linen bedding adjusts to body temperature, cooling you down if you're too hot, and offering warmth if it's cold - perfect ...
‘Bare root plants are best planted between October and April as this provides them with sufficient time to establish ...
Solution: Treat your sweet peas with a high potash fertiliser to give them that boost they need. Ideally, you should do this ...
This is one of the most popular combinations for vegetable growers. Alliums such as garlic and leeks work well alongside root ...
'If your clematis has flowers on shoots from last year's growth, these can flower again for a second time when deadheaded.
So the question is should you deadhead Azaleas? Azaleas bloom predominantly during springtime. If you've learned how to prune ...
'Dryopteris wallichiana Jurassic Gold is an alpine wood fern with warm orange fronds. It’s happy growing in shady spots, both ...
'Due to its brown colour, it’s not recommended to use malt vinegar as an all-purpose cleaning solution, due to its potential ...