The assault by pollutants can seem relentless. Carbon dioxide in the air is leading to climate catastrophe, and fluorinated ...
Understanding chemistry can quite literally be a matter of life and death. Brad Livesay, a firefighter and EMT in Carroll ...
The team that will represent the US at the 56th International Chemistry Olympiad (IChO), to be held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, ...
It all started with a tweet. Ethan J. Weiss, then a cardiologist at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), ...
Infant formula doesn’t fully replicate human milk. Scientists are turning to genetic engineering to get closer ...
When Angus Wilkinson was looking for case studies on research integrity to include in his presentation for a lab group ...
Now a team led by Qi-Qun Tang of the Fudan University School of Basic Medical Sciences has reported in Science that ...
A hybrid perovskite that is both stiff and thermally insulating—unusual combination of properties—could pave the way for ...
“AI won’t replace chemists, but chemists that know AI will replace those that don’t,” Stacie Calad-Thomson, business ...
In a blow to the idea of turning municipal waste into fuels and chemicals, the start-up Fulcrum BioEnergy laid off most of ...
A new technique allows scientists to track RNA expression in single cells at the moment genes are transcribed from DNA to RNA ...
The core facility director at the University of Notre Dame had a lot of aging equipment on his hands and a plan to upgrade it ...