Want to save money and have control over what goes into your protein bars? Try our homemade protein bar recipe and enjoy a ...
Try our recipe for brown rice and quinoa, a wholesome and nutritious blend of flavors. Perfect for a healthy and delicious ...
Looking for an easy and healthy meal prep option? Try this Chicken Protein Bowl recipe. It's loaded with lean protein, fresh ...
This 4 ingredient high protein Greek Yogurt Chia Pudding is a deliciously creamy way to start your day. A mixture of chia seeds, yogurt, milk and a little maple syrup, this is the perfect make-ahead ...
This Easy Chicken Lasagna is FAR from a traditional recipe, but it is no less delicious because of it. It has all the layering of a lasagna, but we have swapped the beef for lean and protein packed ...
If you are looking for a healthier alternative to brownies, then this is it! These Chocolate Covered Raw Brownies are made with ground nuts and naturally sweetened with dates. Some tahini makes them ...
For a low calorie and refreshing dessert or snack, we love these homemade Fruit Jelly Pots. So simple to make, with just 4 ingredients, and they are much cheaper than the store bought individual pots ...
Cottage Cheese Toast is a quick and simple breakfast or lunch option with so many different ways you can top it. Savoury or sweet, there is a cottage cheese on toast topping for everyone. Ready in ...
This must have homemade seasoning recipe, especially if you are making bagels, is SO easy to make with just 5 ingredients and goes on just about everything. Everything Bagel Seasoning is made with ...