A Senate report highlights “routine harm” to children in taxpayer-supported institutions that “optimize revenues” and “evade ...
A bipartisan bill was introduced in Congress last week to help local child welfare agencies meet the requirements of the ...
In New York, legislation that would have dialed back CPS intervention in families' lives failed to pass this legislative ...
Criminal defense attorney Kaitlin Jackson Roll writes that "copaganda" programming is not helpful to public safety ...
In a mixed ruling, a Minnesota appeals court struck down a couple’s claim that they were discriminated against.
Under a $28 billion budget shortfall, an array of anti-poverty and child welfare programs now face the prospect of being ...
The controversial drug-testing of mothers and newborns in hospitals is under new scrutiny in New York — in lawsuits and a ...
Your support allows The Imprint to provide independent, nonpartisan daily news covering the issues faced by vulnerable ...
Criminal defense attorney Kaitlin Jackson Roll writes that "copaganda" programming is not helpful to public safety The Imprint is an independent, nonprofit daily news publication dedicated to covering ...