DARPA is aiming to revolutionize global military surveillance and underwater communication using neutrino detection ...
DARPA has a new tracking system to detect objects in orbit that exhibit anomalous behavior that may threaten U.S. national ...
Astronomers have detected a mysterious radio signal from deep space that evades current scientific understanding.
Experiments funded by the U.S. Department of Energy show the uncanny ability to squeeze infrared light by 90%.
In this week’s episode of the DWR, MJ and Kenna discuss the successful 3D printing of metal material on the ISS. The dynamic ...
New research is offering fresh insights into the long-held divide between general relativity and quantum mechanics.
The search for extraterrestrial life is one of humanity’s most profound quests, and NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) ...
An international research team led by a Brown astrobiologist says they've discovered something 'improbable' atop these ...
Scientists develop "living bioelectronics" combining cells and electronics, potentially revolutionizing medical diagnostics ...
Newly published research from scientists at Cornell University is casting doubt on previous findings hinting at the presence ...
Cutting-edge night vision coating is thinner than plastic wrap and can turn ordinary glasses into high-efficiency night ...
University of Malaga (UM) researchers have harnessed the ability to create ‘phantom sensations,’ or a sense of being touched, ...