It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly Montreal started becoming unaffordable. Like most major social issues, few people ...
The Canadian Race Relations Foundation and The Walrus are celebrating the second year of their partnership with the ...
NASA met the challenge of a fast-moving space race by speeding it up even further than many thought possible. The ...
Much like how the unfathomable expanse of our universe might be traced back to a pinpoint, the briefcase novel originated in a single cigarette. Jim started his novel in 1974 as a way to quit smoking.
With a drive to cut costs following the 2001 recession, supermarket chains began implementing self-checkout lanes in the ...
More boldly, we must search for a more creative and expansive vocabulary that lets us imagine and articulate a radically ...
Throughout, Sloly and Ottawa mayor Jim Watson were ineffectual. Premier Doug Ford, in distant Toronto, had direct ...
Awarded annually to a work of Canadian fiction, the Giller Prize was founded in 1994 by Jack Rabinovitch in honour of his ...
That soft spot just hardened. Europeans have elected a new parliament and, as expected, far-right politicians posted dramatic ...
New traffic circles caused confusion, resistance, and some embarrassment. Now Islanders can’t live without them ...
The dangers of falling prey to the hype of AI, Quebec’s crushing immigration policy, a review of Rachel Cusk’s Parade, and more. The Walrus is located within the bounds of Treaty 13 signed with the ...
I’ve knocked on a lot of doors over the years. I’ve been in politics for long: as a congressional intern, a field organizer, ...