Dell AI Factory with NVIDIA is what the company describes as an “end-to-end AI enterprise solution that integrates Dell’s ...
Executives with extensive additive manufacturing roots will be among industry luminaries joining in interactive “Main Stage” discussion, organizers say..
In AutoCAD 2025, Activity Insights now logs more types of activities and provides detailed information in the new “Activity ...
GoAERO Prize is a 3-year, global competition offering more than $2 million in total prizes to build life-saving emergency response flyers. The flyers are intended to rescue people in danger and ...
These new platforms, designed for cloud-native environments, deliver performance and efficiency for data centers, according ...
AI-powered search provider Sinequa makes available Sinequa Assistants, new enterprise-grade generative AI assistants that integrate with all enterprise content and applications to augment and ...
BETA CAE has annual revenue of about $90 million, and Cadence continues to expect BETA CAE to contribute about $40 million to its 2024 revenue. Cadence still expects the transaction to be ...
AMD shares new CPU, NPU (neural processing unit) and GPU (graphics processing unit) architectures powering end-to-end artificial intelligence infrastructure from the data center to PCs. AMD unveiled ...
Memorandum of understanding intended to create solutions to optimize laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) equipment and metal 3D printing strategies. .
ABS and representatives from an HD Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) consortium signed a joint development agreement (JDP) that paves the way for the onboard manufacture of repair parts. Using a digital ...
In its announcement, Intel revealed its plan to “create an open platform for enterprise AI together with SAP, Red Hat, VMware ...
Dassault Systèmes reports that Dhaksha Unmanned Systems (Dhaksha), an Indian innovator in unmanned aerial systems (UAS) ...