"The 'Gaza pier' is an incredibly stupid idea by Biden and more Americans will get injured or killed," wrote Sen. Eric ...
"What, are they a Lebanese faction? What's wrong with you?" Mansour Abbas told a commentator on Channel 13 News.
We will not allow even a declaration of a Palestinian state, Israel's national security minister said.
That was $300 million in taxpayer money well spent.
The terrorist didn’t say “pregnant,” but did imply sexual enslavement, expert clarifies.
The unanimous decision to restart the stalled negotiations was reportedly reached following hours of deliberation.
"The footage reveals the violent, humiliating, and traumatizing treatment the girls endured on the day of their abduction, ...
Calling something a genocide, again and again, does not make it genocide. Repeating a lie does not make it true.” ...
It seems like the whole world is talking about the red heifers except in Israel,” said Moriyah Shapira, a spokeswoman for ...
Israel's finance minister is acting in response to Ramallah's pursuit of unilateral statehood, ICC prosecution.
Despite the ongoing conflict, Israel has repeatedly stressed that "there are no limits on the amount of humanitarian aid that ...
Israeli observers differ on Egypt’s role regarding the estimated 50 tunnels linking Gaza to Sinai, but agree the situation ...