Wrapping up an online discussion focused on informing the public about election processes and how to overcome election ...
When President Joe Biden announced a new executive order this week effectively closing the U.S.-Mexico border to asylum ...
Columbia University has settled a lawsuit brought against it by a Jewish student alleging a hostile environment as a result ...
The next leader of AIPAC will be Elliot Brandt, who has served as a senior official of the pro-Israel lobby for decades and ...
This week we open the Book of Numbers, Sefer Bamidbar, with Parshah Bamidbar, which means “in the wilderness.” It begins: ...
This Torah portion contains numerous warnings of the consequences for not living virtuously, not living a life of mitzvot.
Jews all over the world will be reminded of the mitzvah of affixing tzitzit to the four corners of their tallit when they ...
Hot-pink and white billboards with slogans such as, “Can a billboard end antisemitism? No. But you’re not a billboard.” and ...
In “The Zone of Interest,” the Oscar-winning drama about life adjacent to Auschwitz, the children of Rudolf Höss, the Nazi ...
On a Friday afternoon in late May, not quite two months after Carlos Galindo-Elvira was appointed to the Phoenix City Council ...
Click. Scroll. Click. 50%, 49.6%, 0.4%. My ancestry results populated the screen, reminding me that I am a product of intermarriage. I am proud of my Jewish mother — a ...
It’s no surprise that traveling together as a group brings people closer. That’s what happened to the participants of the men ...