After almost a decade as RUSI’s Director-General, Doctor Karin von Hippel has announced her intent to move on. Karin has been ...
The Defense Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine (GUR) has released satellite imagery that appears to support its claim to ...
Strategic cooperation between Moscow and Beijing has visibly intensified in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. However ...
With President Biden signalling that Ukraine will likely not become a NATO member while the confrontation with Russia ...
Egypt and Israel signed the Camp David Accords in 1978, the first peace treaty between the Jewish state and any of its Arab ...
His Excellency Edgars Rinkēvičs, President of the Republic of Latvia, addressed an audience of RUSI members and the media, ...
The UK must navigate a new and uncertain industrial geography to support the rapid development and scaling of the supply ...
Despite the death of its former leader, the Wagner Group continues to operate in some parts of the world. In Syria, however, ...
Removing restrictions on the use of weapons supplied to Ukraine by international partners will help Ukraine’s defence against ...
As the adoption of AI in policymaking processes accelerates, leaders will need to reassure partners and rivals more ...
Recent years have seen China surpass the US as the largest trading partner with several countries worldwide. Ongoing ...
Mykhaylo Zabrodskyi was born in 1973 in Dnipro, Ukraine. After graduating from the Military Engineer and Space Academy in St Petersburg, he was assigned as the platoon leader of an anti-tank guided ...