Two state senators filed a lawsuit on Wednesday alleging that Gov. Phil Scott violated state law and the Vermont Constitution ...
Windsor, a hamlet of 3,600 people along the Connecticut River, is famous as "the birthplace of Vermont," a fact many people ...
During her artist's talk at the T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier earlier this month, Mary Admasian thanked her friend and ...
Who picks the stories that end up in Seven Days? Some ideas come from readers. Others, from the press releases and event ...
The 50 teenagers gathered in the House chamber of the Vermont state capitol building in early June bore little resemblance to ...
"Hi, my name is Ronan," the boy wearing a tie-dye sweatshirt in an online video says slowly. "I'm a person who stutters, and ...
These days, it's not news when the new movie from an Oscar-winning director pops up on streaming after a minimal theatrical ...
Artists used unusual methods to create a new mural on a South Burlington sidewalk. First, the surface was painted all black.
You don't expect your dishware to remind you of the climate crisis, disappearing species, race riots or, really, anything ...
Dear Reverend, My partner and I have lived together for four years, and we rarely argue about anything — except for the ...
When Julie Andrews flings open her arms, sings and twirls in the opening scene of The Sound of Music, she quickly captures the hearts of moviegoers. As Maria, the spirited novice-turned-governess for ...
Catamount Arts in St. Johnsbury has reopened its building at 115 Eastern Avenue after closing last June due to air quality ...