Whether these biomarker findings will lead to earlier diagnosis or options for preserving cognitive function remains to be studied.
There’s plenty of evidence linking pollution with adverse cardiovascular outcomes, and the problem deserves to be better ...
The siRNA agents work on different genetic targets, and both have an impact on apoB and remnant cholesterol levels.
Casting a wide net allows for better diagnostic yield and targeted care in patients with stable angina but no obstructive CAD ...
An artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted algorithm that incorporates information about inflammation detected on coronary CT ...
The study fills a gap where guidelines don’t offer much direction, but one expert still advises individualizing care in this ...
More than half were discharged from a HF hospitalization with kidney disease and one in 20 progressed to dialysis within a ...
Most of our top stories this month stemmed from the EuroPCR and European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Heart Failure meetings, ...
It’s not quite a stent and not quite a scaffold—either way, the device was associated with low rates of TLF over follow-up.
The data move physicians and patients closer to having a durable “lead for life” that won’t fracture, says George Crossley.
The AVITA tool led 60% of patients to change their initial preference while also increasing knowledge and decision quality.
In addition to a 24% reduction in major kidney disease events, the semaglutide group had 18% less MACE at 3 years versus ...