Mars, the planet of movement, energy, and initiative, is finally leaving the slow waters of Pisces and entering the fiery sign of Aries where it feels at home. The past several weeks have demanded a ...
You don’t know how to communicate or connect throughout the situation that has been a part of your life for a while. Although you love changes, you should still be careful about your approach to ...
As Mercury meets with Jupiter, you can’t help but wonder if some of your practical choices still have a purpose. A change to both your routine and your social circle is in order. One good friend may ...
It is impossible to see the future, but you have enough information to go on and all you really need at the moment is some faith that you have chosen the right path. Instead of worrying too much about ...
You are in the mood for sharing, communication, and self-expression that comes with ease. Inspired by your own creative energies, you are ready to move on from stagnant waters, from all things that ...
It seems like you don’t even know how many obstacles you’ve overcome in the past several months. Bravely face your own success, aware of the confidence that should come out of it, even if you’ve made ...
New doors are opening right in front of you but you cannot tell how things will turn out just yet. You are often turned to the future that can only be created right now. Walk the walked and dont ...
There is only 1% of gold in the Olympic Gold. Positive views are piling up but you still need to face the reality of what you lack and what simply isn’t in places where you tried looking for it. You ...
You wouldnt easily get poisoned by some small problems along the way, but dialogues could trick you into not paying attention to your own actual natural flow. Dont listen too hard to any opinions of ...
You have something important to redirect and things could take a turn that youve been trying to achieve by simply talking to people involved. These days, passive and quiet energies are needed, those ...
Things you are currently thinking about have a way of turning in numerous directions, but you are sure about your essence of creativity and won’t let go ... Aquarius - traits, personality, dates, ...
The original Peter Pan play that opened in 1904 did not contain the character Tinker Bell. Even though you knew the foundation, time brought on enough changes to make a difference that you wish to ...