Rapid intensification can happen when warm ocean temperatures help supercharge a storm in mere hours. And warm ocean conditions are becoming more common as the climate warms, so Morales wants people ...
La Niña will most likely quell a stretch of global record heat, but human-produced greenhouse gases loom as large as ever.
Although the first mention of “global warming” was in a 1975 scientific study, throughout the 1980s, “greenhouse effect” was still more commonly used by the four newspapers we analyzed. It wasn’t ...
The Eye on the Storm meteorologists tell us their process for covering storms and what they're expecting for this season.
So her group is participating in the Tree Ambassador program, an effort led by the Morton Arboretum in partnership with the city to plant trees in underresourced areas. Residents receive training and ...
Dallas and Houston were smacked by high winds Tuesday after tornado-bearing storms gouged the landscape across multiple ...
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In 2005, California became the first U.S. state to pass a heat protection law for outdoor workers, requiring access to shade and clean drinking water when temperatures reached 80 degrees and ...
The ReefLine’s creators hope the park will provide new habitat and get people thinking about the effects of climate change on the ocean.
Drawing, dancing, making music: These forms of expression are not just for people who identify as artists. Sarah Newman of the Climate Mental Health Network says they can help people explore their ...
The Silver Tree Beer and Spirits has committed to growing grain sustainably — and the family has launched an initiative to get others in the industry to do the same.
A North Carolina State University research group designs play areas where kids can stay comfortable as temperatures rise.