Stomas are an opening in a person's abdomen to help divert one end of the colon, with a pouch placed over it to collect ...
So I guess i'll just stand here. Proud in stature. With my new friend. Le bum bag, that represents life. And hopefully a ...
“I collect barf bags, and I’m not the only one.” Of the eight billion people on the planet, the number of serious barf bag collectors is just north of 100, according to notable members of ...
The best bag for work isn’t one-size-fits-all ... a few snacks, and a small pouch carrying other daily essentials, like makeup and hand cream. I also love that its design is simple yet classic ...
Beach season is here. Whether you're heading down the street or across the country, you'll want to have a beach bag on your beach packing list. Whether you're at the beach, by the pool or on a ...
In some cases, it may result in a stoma and colostomy. A procedure is done to create the stoma, an intentional opening outside of your stomach. Your stool then drains into a small bag until the colon ...
If you've had any type of colon surgery (in which part or all of the large intestine is removed), chances are you've been told you need to follow a special diet as you recover over the next few weeks.