History says the Israel-Hamas war won't be the deciding factor in the November election. History could be wrong.
Republicans did not hold a vote on a bill to codify contraception, but also introduced a bill allowing pharmacists to ...
The response to Hunter Biden’s conviction laid bare the real agenda behind their complaints about Donald Trump’s legal ...
Republicans in the US Senate on Thursday blocked a bill recognizing a legal right to in vitro fertilization, introduced as ...
Today is Flag Day, and while Americans typically don't get the day off, it's still a holiday worth celebrating.
IVF has been a hot-button issue since the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that the frozen embryos used in IVF treatments could be ...
That directive, which has never been repealed or replaced, only permits individuals to challenge a party switcher if they ...
On the House side, perhaps the most intriguing financial matchup is in the 44th state House District, which includes the ...
Vice President Harris has become the Biden campaign’s secret weapon in North Carolina, a battleground state they say they can ...
Applying the tactics of counterinsurgency warfare to peaceful domestic protest risks blurring the line between Trump and his ...
The three new members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission could shift how the panel reviews natural gas pipelines and ...
President Donald Trump’s campaign has teamed up with the Republican National Committee and the Pennsylvania GOP to open a ...