Greenland sharks: are among the longest-living vertebrates; they inhabit Arctic and subarctic waters and are renowned for their propensity for longevity—some have been known to live over 400 years.
LAGOS – Experts, including a lawyer, banker, economist and finan­cial expert have expressed di­vided opinions over the recent dismissal of 700 workers and withdrawal of Heritage Bank’s licence by the ...
Experts say emerging research shows a link between risky play and less psychological distress in adolescent years. Could this ...
As an alpinist, Feistl led by example. Last summer, he and Felix Bub traveled by train and then sailboat to establish over 10 ...
At least that’s the verdict according to the latest weather maps which predict a storm to start in Greenland that’s then ...
Researchers discovered giant viruses on Greenland ice, which may regulate algae growth, slowing ice melt and combating global ...
Over the last few years, our planet’s climate has been changing, transforming parts of southern Europe into a furnace during summer months. For the heat averse, it’s a good enough reason to turn ...
A storm appeared to start in Greenland, and was forecast to reach the UK on Thursday June 20, at about 4am. Within 24 hours, ...
A storm originating from Greenland appears imminent and is predicted to crash into the UK as early as Thursday June 20, ...
On Friday, June 9, at the official FX market, the naira ended the week flat as new oil facilities valued at $925 million ...
The Maine Monitor on MSN9mon
Witnessing abrupt climate change
Abrupt climate change is most evident, ironically, in hindsight.  Relying on ice core records, scientists can track the dynamics of past temperatures, precipitation levels and pollution loads. “We ...