We recently compiled a list of 20 Budget-Friendly Corporate Gifts for Employees, and in this article we will look at the best ...
From invigorating music experiences to cozy home essentials, each present is designed to touch their hearts and show them how ...
If our world should one day cease to exist, and some improved civilization from another galaxy stumbles upon our popular ...
You would think that everyone on the planet would want to be on God’s “winning side” who by the way, has infinite spiritual ...
Sharon Sayles-Belton, the former Minneapolis mayor and Belton's wife, recalled a youth trip she and others led to Chicago.
The visit of Vladimir Putin to North Korea this week was choreographed as an old-timey Communist summit, with armies of flag-waving children, portraits waving from every lamp pole and building, lavish ...
Another gift inherited from my father is a love of reading. He was a frequent visitor to Victoria’s used book stores. From ...
The charismatic pastor — celebrity-adjacent since officiating the A-list marriage of Kim and Kanye a decade ago — mingles ...
I had someone comment to me recently, “It would be so awesome to have lived in Bible times.” Being unclear of where this ...
In this report, Legit.ng lists nine Sunnah (the way and tradition of Prophet Muhammad) acts that Muslims should perform on ...
Spears Cry Out”appeared in the local dailies, viz. Morung Express and Nagaland Post, on Feb. 20th and 23rd 2007, respectively, expressing my views on the condition of Nagaland as I perceived it then.