Thousands of women took to Brazil's major cities to demonstrate against a bill that would classify abortion after 22 weeks of ...
Brazil only permits abortion in cases of rape if there is an evident risk to the mother’s life or if the fetus has no ...
Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva and Argentina’s Javier Milei crossed paths for the first time on Friday at the G7 summit ...
The bill, proposed by conservative lawmakers and heading for a vote in the lower house, would also apply in cases of rape.
Faced with criticism that rape victims seeking abortions could face worse punishment than rapists, the bill's author Sostenes Cavalcante said he will propose harsher sentences for rape, currently up ...
After more than two years of war in Ukraine, representatives of more than 90 states are at a conference in Switzerland ...
Thousands of women protested on Saturday against a bill advancing in Brazil's conservative Congress that would equate ...
Kyiv hopes to garner support about three points in its proposal before presenting them to Moscow. It’s a hard sell, with ...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy vowed to press ahead in broadening international support for his war-battered nation as a leaders meeting in Switzerland risked falling short in finding a path ...
The G7 summit, where India was invited as an 'Outreach Country,' had participation from the seven member countries, the US, UK, Canada, Germany, Italy, Japan, and France, as well as the European Union ...