Nevada Republican Sam Brown cruised to victory in the GOP Senate primary. Now, he'll have to compete against a well-heeled ...
Nevada Gov. Joe Lombardo said discontent over the economy and a lack of confidence in President Biden's ability to make ...
The bitter primary that saw nearly a dozen Republican Senate candidates swipe at retired Army Capt. Sam Brown is fading out ...
Nevada GOP Senate Republican runner-up Jeff Gunter has continued his attacks on the nominee and retired Army Capt. Sam Brown ...
Army veteran Sam Brown easily secured the Republican nomination in Nevada’s Senate race Tuesday night, setting up a spirited ...
After losing in a Senate primary in 2022, Mr. Brown, an Army veteran, was the pick of establishment Republicans from the ...
RCP national political reporter Susan Crabtree speaks with Tom Bevan on Wednesday's edition of the RealClearPolitics radio ...
For Kevin Walker, the Green Machine’s founder and director, outfitting nearly 200 kids for a Saturday game meant plenty of ...
Some believe Democrats’ best hope in Nevada is to boost turnout among disenchanted Democrats and independents by convincing ...
A 46-year-old man who was driving while impaired when he fatally struck two Nevada troopers last November has been sentenced ...
John Lee, the former mayor of North Las Vegas, has won the GOP primary for Nevada's 4th Congressional district and will take ...