Molo Mp Kimani Kuria has announced that the government have removed the 16 percent VAT tax on bread. While briefing the press ...
Replace business rates: Under the Tories, pubs have been hammered with higher tax whilst online giants have failed to pay ...
Labour’s poll lead is so big the party could be in power for 20 years, a government minister has claimed.In a desperate pitch ...
The current system of repairing schools sends the most state aid to property-rich districts. A public interest law firm warns ...
There are more than a dozen bills meant to help deal with property tax affordability in Ohio, but none of the big ones are ...
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Arkansas lawmakers kicked off a Special Session of the legislature Monday at the State Capitol. They ...
After weeks of controversy over Labour and Conservative costings in which each side accused the other of dishonesty the ...
The Texas attorney general’s office filed an appeal to the 3rd Court of Appeals on Monday morning after Judge Eric Shepperd ...
One of Gov. Phil Scott’s seven vetoes — of a sweeping data privacy bill — was sustained by the Senate. But both chambers greenlit several environmental bills and one allowing the establishment of an ...
The beach at Lake Olathe is closed following a burglary over Father's Day weekend. Lawmakers are gathering in Topeka this ...
Legalizing recreational pot in New Hampshire remains just a pipe dream. Legislation to normalize personal marijuana ...
A killer was sentenced to just more than a decade in prison for killing a Kansas City, Kansas mother of five. A killer was ...