The seat for District 3 on the Champaign City Council is no longer vacant following the council’s regular meeting Tuesday ...
New York City lawmakers are urging Mayor Eric Adams to extend health care coverage for in vitro fertilization to gay male ...
The Council concluded that Old Sauk Road residents' concerns about stormwater and flooding fell beyond the scope of the ...
With Olympic events planned at the Convention Center, city leaders want to use the Games as an impetus for construction that ...
The deal includes $650 million in backpay going back to 2017. With interest, scheduled raises and other costs, the total ...
Here are five actions taken by the Huntsville City Council at its June 13 meeting: Use of and/or registration on any portion ...
At least four members of the Fort Worth City Council want the city to raise its employee minimum wage to $20 per hour.
Council President Paul Krekorian said the panel will also look at the city's handling of real estate development, the process ...
Shaniqua “Shan” Rose won a seat on the Orlando City Council Tuesday, replacing a suspended predecessor in a special election ...
The Newcastle City Council reversed their previous decision Tuesday and elected to raise the Pride flag at City Hall. The ...
Avondale approves a $443 million budget for 2024-2025, prioritizing services, capital projects, and workforce investments.
Projects approved June 18 include an apartment complex on Old Sauk Road, an apartment and hotel proposal near the Capitol, a ...