Under the amendment Tricare Prime and Tricare Select would be required to cover a range of fertility treatments, including ...
Par-Kan makes a cart designed for respectful transportation of military human remains and a dolly for civilian remains.
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — South Korean troops fired warning shots to repel North Korean soldiers who briefly crossed the ...
The Israeli military said Tuesday operational plans for an offensive in Lebanon were "approved and validated" as Israeli forces and the Iran-backed Hezbollah movement carry out cross-border exchanges ...
Leaders of the two pariah states have been building a mutually beneficial relationship since Russia’s 2022 invasion of ...
The outgoing top officer in the National Guard on Tuesday criticized the long-running presence of sending Guard troops to the ...
Gen. Daniel Hokanson said the ongoing southern border mission is not helping troops improve military readiness.
Pilatus Aircraft evolved from military to general aviation with the influential PC-12 aircraft. The PC-12 debuted in the ...
As Russian President Vladimir Putin makes his first visit to North Korea in more than two decades this week, his focus is ...
China's embassy in the Philippines accused the U.S. military of "hypocrisy, malign intention and double standards" in ...
The Congressional Budget Office said Tuesday that it projects this year’s federal budget deficit to be $400 billion higher, a ...
Stoltenberg noted that allies were buying more military equipment from the U.S. “So NATO is good for U.S. security, but NATO ...