The Florida Forward Party has started small, with less than 500 members, but its members think they can appeal to independent ...
WASHINGTON, June 20 -- The following bills were introduced or co-sponsored by U.S. Senators from West Virginia. WASHINGTON, June 18 -- Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., introduced a resolution on May 9, ...
I once changed a flat tire for Jack’s mother, Caroline, when she was a Harvard undergrad ... meeting with Senator Mitt Romney ...
Trump isn’t expected to announce his pick until the Republican National Convention in mid-July, and his campaign has ...
Healey, who graduated from Seabreeze High School and worked as a teen at The News-Journal, went on to Harvard and became chair of the Massachusetts Republican Party before becoming Mitt Romney's ...
Kristi Noem, the governor of South Dakota, once topped a poll taken by mostly Trump diehards on whom he should pick as his ...
The Washington Post’s Catherine Rampell was quick to point out that eliminating the income tax and substituting revenue from ...
As Harvard University undergoes the process of returning some of the thousands of Indigenous human remains in its possession to those with cultural, ancestral, or religious ties to them ...
Owners of a hugely popular microbar are breathing a sigh of relief after councillors voted in favour of plans to keep their outdoor seating area. A new free-of-charge bus service taking passengers ...
Hawley, George 2015. Attitudes toward Mormons and Voter Behavior in the 2012 Presidential Election. Politics and Religion, Vol. 8, Issue. 1, p. 60. Olson, Laura R. 2016. Movement Commitment among ...