Russia and North Korea's leaders are expected to demonstrate their deepening military and political relationship, built on ...
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked North Korea for supporting his actions in Ukraine and said ...
As Russian President Vladimir Putin headed to North Korea for a two-day visit, South Korea's military said soldiers fired ...
Though it is unlikely that the two leaders will announce specific arms deals, they could upgrade their military relationship ...
Japan and North Korea had a secret meeting in Mongolia, according to a media report. The meeting involving a Japanese politician and three persons from North Korea’s Reconnaissance General ...
Born in Japan with a North Korean passport, An represented North Korea on the pitch for 10 years, a national team career which Han told An he enjoyed witnessing, according to the retired ...
South Korea's main opposition leader was indicted on Wednesday on bribery charges in an alleged scheme to use an underwear maker to transfer funds to North Korea and facilitate a visit to Pyongyang ...
DP chief Lee Jae-myung indicted for masterminding illegal payments to North Korea ...
North Korea's growing arsenal of nuclear-capable missiles poses a major security threat to South Korea and Japan. But China, North Korea's last major ally and biggest source of aid, is suspected ...
That same year, it flew two long-range missiles over Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost main island. After a hiatus caused by the ...
The twin sanctions packages were announced just days before Japan and South Korea join China in a trilateral summit.