Kansai International Airport has maintained an astonishing record of never losing customer luggage since it opened in September 1994. This remarkable achievement has earned the airport the title ...
One of the most accessible and rewarding side hustles today involves delivering lost luggage for delivery service companies. This gig allows individuals to earn substantial income while ...
A UK receptionist, Miss J Earle, recently lost an employment tribunal claim after being dismissed for failing to correctly pronounce the name of her law firm. Employed as a receptionist ...
In biotechnology, the journey from discovery to market can appear insurmountable unless you are a major pharmaceutical company. Increasingly, technology is allowing for the development of ...
Hunter Biden walks back to the motorcade after visiting a jewelry store with his father US President Joe Biden AFP A federal judge presiding over Hunter Biden's gun trial rejected one of his ...
Dirty Cybertruck gets chrome makeover! Joplin boater ditches fingerprints for mirror shine. Polishing biz booms with new truck trend. Wikimedia Commons The unique design of the Tesla Cybertruck ...
Starting a new career is sometimes necessary to achieve a genuine work-life balance and realise dreams. The commercial shipping sector, in particular, offers exciting opportunities for those who ...
Crew of artists selected for "dearMoon" moon mission express disappointment after mission cancellation due to SpaceX delays. Twitter / Yusaku Maezawa MZ) (@yousuckMZ According to the latest ...
Gen Z have become more interested in going to tech schools so that they can soon receive a well-paying blue-collar job. Kateryna Babaieva/Pexels Young people are increasingly adopting alternative ...
Businesswomen Andrea Mac refuses to cover her daughter's college tuition as she wants her kids to be independent. Andrea Mac/LinkedIn Growth strategist Andrea Mac, who earned just over half a ...