While the European Union recently passed the AI Act, billed as the world's first comprehensive law governing the use of ...
SEOUL -- Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un were set for extensive negotiations on ...
SHANGHAI -- Chinese stocks deemed risky by mainland exchanges have tumbled after the government vowed to set higher standards ...
KUALA LUMPUR -- Malaysia and China are expected to deepen economic ties in infrastructure, digital affairs and the ...
HONG KONG -- Chinese authorities have been renaming villages in the northwestern region of Xinjiang, shedding those with ...
NAGOYA, Japan -- A Japan-based hospital group plans to bring in more health care workers through a recruitment blitz in ...
SEOUL -- Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in North Korea on Wednesday on a trip that Pyongyang's state media describe ...
TOKYO -- Corporate governance reform in Japan is "unlocking enormous value within companies," says Joseph Bae, co-CEO of U.S.
SEOUL (Reuters) -- The South Korean government issued a return-to-work order for private practitioners on Tuesday as more ...
TOKYO -- Japan's exports grew in value terms for the sixth month in a row in May, due primarily to automobiles and ...
TOKYO -- International travelers to Japan are growing more interested in spending on experiences, such as visiting theme ...