Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More 📌This will be the first presidential ...
Understanding the steps and requirements to begin the process of applying for political asylum in the United States is essential to increase the chances of success for the person requesting it.
With the property tax rate reduced from 65,7 cents to 51,35 cents per $100 of valuation, the Wake County Board of Commissioners approved the fiscal year 2025 budget.
A resident who owns a $462,000 home, which is about the median assessed value in Wake County, commissioners explained, will receive a tax bill of $2,372 this year. The Wake County Board of ...
There are those who say a prayer to sleep well at night and there are those who usually practice morning prayers. There are also people who do it at both times of the day, morning and night. Learning ...
Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More The data provided by the National Electoral ...
Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More El Centro Hispano invita a la comunidad a la ...
Click to share on Facebook (opens in a new window) Click to share on Twitter (opens in a new window) Click to share on WhatsApp (opens in new window) More Los servicios sin cita previa se proveerán ...
All I wanted to do growing up in rural North Carolina was leave. It was hard for me to see what the future could hold in North Carolina for someone like me, one of the few Latino students in Honor and ...
The partial closure of the border announced by Biden implies a series of restrictions that directly affect immigrants seeking asylum.
When I was a kid, I would sometimes ask my parents for money. Call me crazy, but I didn't really care how much came from my mom versus how much came from my dad.
Take advantage of this opportunity to ask your questions and learn more about the processes of the North Carolina government in a free event in Spanish.