Rejoice, those of us who have purchased a Nice-Power lab PSU from an Eastern source. Yes, the name might sound like a ...
These days, when most folks think of a computer they imagine a machine with multiple CPUs, several gigabytes of RAM,  and a ...
This week saw an impressive pair of takedowns pulled off by law enforcement agencies around the world. The first was the 911 ...
This week, it was Kristina’s turn in the hot seat with Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams. First up in the news: Germany’s solar ...
Ever wanted to see how well your oscilloscope adheres to its stated capabilities? What if you buy a new scope and need a ...
If you own an Intel motherboard with a Z170 or Z270 chipset, you might believe that it only supports CPUs up to Intel’s 7th ...
Looking for a new project, or just want to admire some serious mechanical intricacy? Check out [illusionmanager]’s ...
There are plenty of cool clocks out there, and maps by their very essence are cool, too. But a map that’s also a clock — or is it a clock that’s also a map? — has to be the ...
It’s probable that some of you reading this will have been approached in the past by people who’ve lost the password to their crypto wallets. They hear that you’re involved in some kind of “hacking”, ...