Banned books are a current national hot topic. According to the American Library Association (ALA) in 2023, “The number of titles targeted for censorship at public libraries increased by 92%. Books ...
The United Nations (UN) lacks direct authority over the internal policies of individual nations, including matters concerning adoption bans. The UN concentrates on global issues, peace, security, ...
The Orwellian dystopia has become a “worst-case scenario” in the realm of technological advancements, but one cannot help but wonder if we have taken steps in a similar direction already. Our 2024 isn ...
Despite the fact that technology, the ease of its services, and the need for instant gratification are taking control of our lives, it is important to remember to value and cherish true human ...
Early this summer, fans of the hit television series "The Summer I Turned Pretty" were excited to receive the announcement of the return of their favorite summer show.
Interest in Women’s Basketball has risen greatly in the year 2024. But why is that? Ratings in the past for women’s basketball have been low. The WNBA only has 12 franchises, with Toronto Golden State ...
For the first time, Los Alamitos High School’s dance program is offering a section specifically for boys. Beginning next school year, boys can join the second period class and receive fine art, PE or ...
From diverse street food to unique street fashion, Japan and South Korea have become popular tourist destinations. While visiting both countries this past spring break, I enjoyed noticing some ...
When you catch a cold, it’s hard to think about anything except how miserable you feel. However, Mel and Lily show us that it’s not just our health that’s at stake when we get sick. Although we aren’t ...